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Some thoughts from our team that will hopefully challenge and inspire you.

Strictly Boardroom is our board-level legal briefing for business leaders in all sectors.

O’Connors News is our update on our reportable client deals and developments within our business.

29.06.17 Strictly Boardroom

Should contract risk be higher up your law firm’s agenda?

Like beauty, risk is in the eye of the beholder. A key business decision can be seen through one person’s eyes as a clever entrepreneurial market move and, through another’s, as a reckless bet-the-house punt.
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20.03.17 Strictly Boardroom

Joint (ad)ventures in the legal sector

We all know that nothing in life is certain. As the actor, director and philosopher Clint Eastwood once said: “If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.” He also said he’d tried being reasonable and didn’t like it. They should teach this kind of philosophy in law school.
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15.12.16 Strictly Boardroom

Is my law firm fighting fit for 2017?

As the Queen starts to relax after her Christmas broadcast and I rise with a flush in my cheeks to carve our Cambridge Bronze, I will spare a thought for our cherished legal profession. Like the bird beneath my knife, it has had a good stuffing this year.
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15.11.16 Strictly Boardroom

How to survive the Professional Revolution

Had Isambard Kingdom Brunel been a lawyer and not an engineer, suspension bridges might have remained the domain of orthodontists and we might still be rowing wooden boats to the Balearics for our summer holidays.
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27.09.16 Strictly Boardroom

Is now a good time to start a law firm?

With the Government, the Competition and Markets Authority, the Legal Services Board, the Law Society and the legal services regulators all flashing their sequined blouses like contestants on Strictly Dumb Downing, the idea of leaving a ‘secure’ job and setting up a new law firm is likely to feature alongside bareback-rodeo and base-jumping on most people’s personal risk register.
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20.07.16 Strictly Boardroom

Neither in nor out but shaking it all about

We’ve started serving English Brexit Tea in our office. Some say it leaves a slightly bitter aftertaste while others find it quite refreshing.
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10.05.16 Strictly Boardroom

Let’s stop talking about succession planning

“The trouble with retirement is you never get a day off.” Anon
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05.04.16 Strictly Boardroom

Shareholder privacy on borrowed time

On 6 April 2016, new rules come into force requiring companies (which includes limited liability partnerships) to keep a register of individuals and legal entities that have control over the company.
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08.03.16 Strictly Boardroom

How to safeguard your family business

A 2014 report prepared for the Institute for Family Business stated that the UK is home to around three million family businesses which generate around a quarter of the country’s GDP and employ approximately 9.4 million people – that’s 39% of private sector jobs.
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29.01.16 Strictly Boardroom

Feeling like a goalie in a penalty shoot-out?

“I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” David Bowie
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