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Some thoughts from our team that will hopefully challenge and inspire you.

Strictly Boardroom is our board-level legal briefing for business leaders in all sectors.

O’Connors News is our update on our reportable client deals and developments within our business.

19.12.19 Strictly Boardroom

SWOT d’you want for Christmas?

“I hope you don’t mind me asking but isn’t mid-December an odd time to hold a strategy meeting?” asked ColdHeart, North Pole Logistics’ Head of Elfin Resources. “I mean, isn’t it a bit close to ‘The Big Day’?”
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06.11.19 Strictly Boardroom

Taking a strategic approach to cyber risk

This boardroom briefing takes you behind-the-scenes of the insurance industry and highlights the risk management and insurance techniques that businesses use to protect and strengthen their balance sheet.
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10.06.19 Strictly Boardroom

Avoiding insurance pitfalls in commercial transactions

This boardroom briefing takes you behind-the-scenes of the insurance industry and highs the risk management and insurance techniques that businesses use to protect and strengthen their balance sheet.
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03.04.19 Strictly Boardroom

Danger IDD

I used to watch the 1970’s television series Danger UXB – starring an angst-ridden Anthony Andrews as a young WWII Royal Engineer defusing unexploded bombs (UXBs) – with my eyes scrunched and my fingers in my ears.
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20.12.18 Strictly Boardroom

Achieving a successful conversion to a limited liability company

This is the fifth in our series of Strictly Boardroom briefings that take you behind-the-legal-scenes of common corporate and commercial transactions.
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11.12.18 Strictly Boardroom


Yo, Kids, Mr C here.
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23.03.18 Strictly Boardroom

Why people vote for law firm leaders

I don’t know about you, but I’m much more Follow-the-Leader than Pokémon Go. Until someone put me right, I thought Angry Birds was a Hitchcock film. I’d like to think it’s maturity but it’s more likely to be my age.
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14.12.17 Strictly Boardroom

Santa’s Data Protection Elf-check

‘Just so I’m crystal clear on this,’ said Santa, with just a hint of frustration in his voice, ‘you’re telling me that, from May next year, I can’t use my database of good and naughty boys and girls unless I spend Mrs Claus’ Christmas money on GDPR consultants?’
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15.11.17 Strictly Boardroom

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Law Firm Leaders

I met one of my favourite authors recently at a book signing. No, not the famous ‘7 Habits’ author Stephen Covey (who is sadly no longer with us) but Robert Harris, whose latest novel ‘Munich’ is set 75 years ago during the negotiation of the Munich Agreement.
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24.07.17 Strictly Boardroom

Managing your law firm’s reputational risk

As Benjamin Franklin once said, it takes many good deeds to build a good reputation and one bad one to lose it – as a few jewellers, airlines, car manufacturers, newspapers and banks have discovered in recent times.
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