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Some thoughts from our team that will hopefully challenge and inspire you.

Strictly Boardroom is our board-level legal briefing for business leaders in all sectors.

O’Connors News is our update on our reportable client deals and developments within our business.

18.05.21 Strictly Boardroom

Building law firms back better post pandemic

The prospect of soon being able to embrace family and friends reminds me of the teenager who bought a book on eBay entitled ‘How to Hug’ and was galled to discover it was Volume 6 of Encyclopedia Britannica. That poor teenager could easily have been me. I once ordered The Wallis Family Global Directory via an advert in my dad’s Reader’s Digest magazine to find even my own family wasn’t in it.
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14.04.21 Strictly Boardroom

Staying the right side of the regulatory perimeter fence with cryptoassets

In February 2009, the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, said that the main problem with conventional currency is that it relies on trust to make it work. Central banks, he said, must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of government-issued currencies is full of breaches of that trust.
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06.04.21 Strictly Boardroom

Avoiding common pitfalls when selling or buying a dental practice

The dental sector is heavily regulated, which can make the process of selling and buying a dental practice quite complex. Throw in an NHS contract and the process becomes more complex still.
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26.03.21 Strictly Boardroom

Legal tips for business contracts following the EU Brexit trade deal

Whatever your view of the EU Brexit trade deal (or the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, to give it its proper title) it was bound to present future challenges for the UK and the EU. Few though would have predicted that the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out would be one of them. The AstraZeneca and EU dispute has highlighted just how careful you need to be when drafting clauses in business contracts relating to the supply of goods and services cross-border, and the value of checking the small print.
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20.01.21 Strictly Boardroom

Achieving a successful contractual joint venture

In this issue of Strictly Boardroom we look at some of the main things to consider when entering into a joint venture with another party – on a contractual basis as opposed to setting up a separate company or partnership vehicle.
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19.01.21 Strictly Boardroom

Achieving a successful private equity fundraise

In this issue of Strictly Boardroom we look at some of the issues to consider when a well-established and ambitious private limited company wishes to raise substantial investment from an investment fund in return for shares (an equity stake).
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18.01.21 Strictly Boardroom

What corporate lawyers do when buying a company

In this issue of Strictly Boardroom we look at the role of corporate lawyers in a company purchase where the lawyers are acting for you, the buyer.
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17.01.21 Strictly Boardroom

What corporate lawyers do when selling a company

In this issue of Strictly Boardroom we look at a company sale where the corporate lawyers are acting for the selling shareholders. A related article looks at how lawyers approach things when acting for the buyer.
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16.12.20 Strictly Boardroom

Is insurance the only option for scheme benefits?

If your business operates a membership scheme that provides insurance-related benefits to scheme members – such as healthcare support, customer service guarantees, product warranties and the like – the future uncertainty and cost of insurance cover is likely to seriously impact your scheme business plan and perhaps the viability of your business.
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09.10.20 Strictly Boardroom

Success planning trumps succession planning

A friend of mine used to tell her young children that Mr Whippy vans only play jingles when they’ve run out of ice-cream.
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