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Some thoughts from our team that will hopefully challenge and inspire you.

Strictly Boardroom is our board-level legal briefing for business leaders in all sectors.

O’Connors News is our update on our reportable client deals and developments within our business.

01.03.23 Strictly Boardroom

Five key risks for unincorporated sports clubs

Sport England has recently reaffirmed the common principles shared by organisations that demonstrate good governance. These common principles are structure, people, communication, standards & conduct, and policies & processes. In this article we focus on the first, and arguably the most important, of these common principles, namely structure.
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31.01.23 Strictly Boardroom

Corporate Governance is key to B Corp Status

Almost every day another company becomes B Corp certified, reflecting their exacting standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. B Corp companies are verified by B Lab UK, a not-for-profit network transforming the global economy to benefit people, communities and the planet, enabling people to use businesses as a force for good.
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23.01.23 Strictly Boardroom

Is your law firm's claims management activity compliant?

The outsourcing of marketing activity has become a common feature of many law firms that handle claims-related work - a tacit acceptance perhaps that attracting clients requires specialist skills which some lawyers simply do not have.
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08.11.22 Strictly Boardroom

O'Connors' Law Firm Leaders Survey - the results are in!

More than three quarters of the law firm leaders responding to the O’Connors’ Law Firm Leaders Survey said their most pressing business concern was recruiting staff, with over a third saying they were having difficulties retaining staff. Notwithstanding these challenges, more than half said they are planning to increase their headcount and only a tenth planning to reduce it.
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15.08.22 Strictly Boardroom

How much is that law firm in the window?

Shortly before The Queen’s Coronation in 1953, Liverpool-born singer Lita Roza topped the hit parade with the much-loved pop classic ‘How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?’ The track was nudged out of the Coronation Order of Service by Zadok the Priest, but rumour has it the Archbishop of Canterbury was humming it throughout rehearsals.
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12.08.22 Strictly Boardroom

Incentivising staff through employee share schemes

Nelson Mandela said that money won’t create success but the freedom to make it will. Perhaps this explains why more and more companies are using employee share schemes as a means of incentivising staff - aligning the interests of employees and shareholders whilst providing tax-efficient rewards.
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29.07.22 Strictly Boardroom

Important changes to the regulation of funeral plans

American actor and comedian Jonathan Katz once said that he hated going to funerals because he was not a mourning person. Well at least he had a funeral plan.
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07.07.22 Strictly Boardroom

Preparing a company for sale

Selling a business is usually the biggest decision a business owner takes and managing a sale process is emotionally demanding and time-consuming - time away from running the business. Taking steps to prepare your business for a sale, well before a buyer is on the horizon, will make things very much easier when the sale process starts.
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27.06.22 Strictly Boardroom

Change afoot for the insurance appointed representative regime

Under section 19 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (‘FSMA’) there is a general prohibition against a person (which includes a body corporate) carrying on (or purporting to carry on) a regulated activity in the UK unless they are an authorised or exempt person. Carrying on a regulated activity in breach of this general prohibition is a criminal offence and could result in certain agreements entered into being unenforceable.
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25.05.22 Strictly Boardroom

How insurance lawyers can enhance warranty & indemnity insurance policies

Warranty and indemnity (‘W&I’) insurance is now a well-established product for parties in corporate transactions and, for deals of a certain size, is frequently taken out as a matter of course.
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